Pi: Perfect or Imperfect

 The basic definition of pi is it is ratio of circumference of circle to diameter of circle, which is always constant, no matter how big or small the circle is. When mathematician first discovered this, pi is only limited to circle. But with time it keeps becoming obvious that pi plays role in every aspect of mathematics and physics.But one thing always confuses, is pi a perfect number or imperfect number?

The value of pi has no pattern or repetition i.e. pi is a irrational number (3.142857...). But how can ratio of perfect things (circumference and diameter) be imperfect(irrational). Since the value of pi is never ending after decimal, so can we consider pi to be finite? If pi is finite how much it is? can we put pi amount paint inside a container? 

In my view, pi is 2nd mysterious thing god has created, water being the first.


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